P.O. Box 441
Concord, MA 01742
(781) 674-9755


Massport's 2000 Environmental Status and Planning Report (ESPR) for Hanscom Field
  • 7/31/03 HATS, HATS, ShhAir: Community comments rejecting the validity of Massport's 200 Final ESPR.

  • 6/3/2003 Massport: 2000 Final ESPR is available by chapter in PDF format. Here is the Table of Contents, Chapter 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12.

  • 4/15/03 Massport: Hanscom Field Deicing Study.

  • 12/16/02 EOEA (900K PDF): Certificate issued by Massachusetts Executive Office of Environmental Affairs (EOEA) regarding the Draft 2000 ESPR.

  • 12/15/02: A video tape  of the MEPA ESPR hearing on 11/19 is now available in the Lexington library at the reference desk

  • 11/19/02 HATS (1MB PDF): Presentation by HATS consultant Lisa Baci and Environmental Subcommittee co-chairs Richard Canale and Julian Bussgang which outlines many deficiencies in the ESPR, including how it downplays impacts to area, suggests little in the way of mitigation, does not constitute a true planning document, has incomplete traffic analysis, and lacks any discussion of aircraft de-icing.

  • 11/19/02 Tony Galaitsis (750K PDF): Presentation on why Massport's noise measure does not track community annoyance.

  • 11/19/02 Reinier Beeuwkes (400K PDF): Presentation pointing out that Massport either did not adopt or did not adequately represent many of the suggestions made by the Noise Workgroup.

  • 8/2/02 Massport (very large 80MB PDF): 2000 Draft ESPR.

  • 6/27/02 Massport (large 3MB PDF): Overview of 2000 Draft ESPR.



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