P.O. Box 441
Concord, MA 01742


Information compiled by ShhAir – February 2003

 Number of Operations

1.Logan392,079 (2002)
2.Hanscom218,248 (2002)
3.Nantucket152,963 (2002)
4.Bradley (Hartford)147,472 (2002)
5.T. F. Green (RI)159,000 (2000)
6.Burlington (VT)115,000 (1999)
7.Manchester (NH)92,271 (2002)
8.Worcester (MA)55,000 (1999)

 How do operations compare to previous year?  

  • Jet activity increased 35% from 2001 to 2002 (22, 839 jet flights in 2001, increased to 30, 797 in 2002).  Jets contribute 92% of the total noise at Hanscom. Jet activity has increased 280% since 1992 (8, 105 jet operations in 1992).
  • Total operations (takeoffs and landings) in 2002 were up 6.2% (from 205, 436 in 2001 to 218, 248 in 2002).
  • Twin/turboprops are up 31%  since Shuttle America began flying in 1999(14, 606 over 11,123 in 1999).
  • Night operations (from 11 p.m. to 7 a.m. ) have increased 30% for 2002 (2170 versus 1674).
  • Noise complaints peaked at 13, 736 in 2000, but have remained constant at 8600 for the past two years.  Massport reports that there are more noise complaints at Hanscom than at Logan .

 Total operations breakdown

  •  Touch-and-go operations (flight schools) 36%

  •  Single-engine pistons 42%

  •  Civilian jets 10%

  •  Twin engine pistons and turboprops 8%

  •  Helicopters 3%

  •  Military <1%

 Additional Development Pressures

  • The Environmental Status and Planning Report for Hansom Field, prepared by Massport, raises the issue of cargo flights. These flights normally are flown at night in older, noisier planes.

  •  Massport has ordered a study on the possible deicing agents to be used on both airplanes and on the runways. The runways currently are only sanded in bad weather.

  •  Massport has announced plans to replace two old hangars with new ones and to add a 13,000 square foot hangar, plus 2600 square foot office space, infrastructure to serve corporate jet aviation. Given the increasing jet activity at the airport, this development has the potential to increase noise, pollution, and ground traffic in the area. There is growing evidence of the adverse effects of noise on children’s education; flight paths go directly over schools in the towns.

  •  The Raytheon hangar has been vacated and will now be disposed of by the Navy. Massport has expressed an interest in acquiring it.

  •  Massport plans for an $800,000 project to expand and upgrade passenger facilities in the civilian terminal and to upgrade the parking lot for passenger convenience have been put on hold, but not discarded.

  •  The Air Force will be relocating 1,000 Mitre employees to the base, adding to ground traffic problems.

  •  Massport officials continue to place Hanscom’s overall capacity at 320,000 operations with the current infrastructure.

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