City of Waltham

Whereas: Hanscom Field is the second busiest airport in New England, and Jet
traffic at Hanscom Field is increasing by more than 20% per year, and
MassPort has plans to dramatically enlarge the air field and to expand air
servi! ce including increased flights at night, and

Whereas: Aircraft from Hanscom use fight paths over large sections of
Waltham, and increased flights will result in more aircraft noise and
increased vehicular traffic to and from the airfield, now therefore

Be it Resolved: That the Waltham City Council restate its opposition to
Hanscom Field expansion and compile information on the expansion, and

Be it Further Resolved: That the Waltham City Council respectfully request
that the Mayor of Waltham contact the Town Managers in our neighboring
communities to join in the opposition effort.

Respectfully Submitted:
Michael R. Squillante
Councillor Ward 3

Approved by unanimous vote on November 4, 2002 by the Waltham City Council
Committee on Community Development.