Bedford Minuteman
December 5, 2002

Letter: Hanscom towns will not stand by

I am the state representative from the Ninth Middlesex District representing Waltham and the town of Lexington in the state Legislature. I am also the president of the Waltham City Council.

My constituents in both Waltham and Lexington have serious concerns with the possible expansion of Hanscom Field. The Waltham City Council voted unanimously earlier this year to endorse the revised "Hanscom at the Crossroads" document. The Council also unanimously voted to have one of its members represent the city on the Hanscom Field Advisory Committee. I expect the HFAC committee to address our interest at its next monthly meeting.

The Council took these actions because Waltham residents are deeply concerned about the increase in aviation traffic, pollution and noise over the city during the last several years.

We understand and appreciate the unique historic aspects of the area surrounding the airport and the negative effects commercial expansion would have on the local environment, culture, historic grounds and tourism industry. Waltham has a great deal of history of its own and benefits greatly by its close proximity to the birthplace of the American Revolution and Minute Man National Historic Park.

One year ago, my legislative district changed to include a portion of the historic town of Lexington. During this past year, I have introduced myself to my new constituents through meetings with civic associations, office hours and knocking on doors in the various neighborhoods. There is one message has been made very clear to me.

My new constituents are willing to contribute their fair share grief for the greater good of the commonwealth but are not willing - nor should they be - to stand by while the uniqueness of the area surrounding Hanscom Field is minimized to the point where it appears irrelevant.

My new constituents are not willing to stand by if plans are considered to exceed the 60-seat commercial jet rule and to add additional cargo flights.

They are not willing to stand by if plans are developed that will expand the noise, ground traffic and air pollution that will dominate the region without regional planning, town involvement or further environmental approval.

Bedford, Concord, Lincoln, Lexington and surrounding areas already share more than a fair share of the burden of contributing to the economic well-being of the Boston and New England region by hosting New England's largest general aviation airport and second busiest airport.

I ask that Massport thoroughly examine the environmental and historical repercussions that increased use and expansion of Hanscom would bring.

I would also like to see a moratorium on any additional passenger aviation, including commercial, corporate and jet time-sharing, any changes of use, and any infrastructure improvements or new development at Hanscom Civil Airport until a regionally driven, multi-state, multi-modal transportation plan is in place.

Rep. Thomas M. Stanley
Ninth Middlesex District

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