Lexington Minuteman
Thursday, July 24, 2003

Letter: Stop FedEx from coming in

A new, very real and very serious, threat to our community has surfaced at Hanscom's civilian airport with the announcement that FedEx is planning to begin operations there. The introduction of dedicated cargo service in large jets was never envisioned for this general aviation airport and would be an unprecedented change of activity.

The two citizen groups, ShhAir and Save Our Heritage, are working to stop FedEx from coming to Hanscom, but we need the cooperation of all concerned residents and need it now. There are some actions that you can take to help the "No FedEx at Hanscom" campaign.

It is most important to join your voice to the many that have already called, faxed, and written Gov. Romney, and Sens. Kerry and Kennedy asking them to help stop FedEx. Go to the following Web site and use the directions for an easy way to fax a letter to them, and to the CEO of FedEx, Fred
Smith: www.shhair.org/actionalerts.asp.

Contact ShhAir at 781-674-9755 or Save Our Heritage at 978-369-6662 for more information on how to obtain lawn signs, bumper stickers, and postcards to our elected officials.

Margaret Coppe
Barrymeade Drive

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