Bedford Minuteman
March 27, 2003

Letter: Spotlight is on the right cause

In designating the towns of Concord, Lexington, Lincoln and Bedford as a Last Chance Landscape, Scenic America has recognized what the communities and the stewards of the historic and natural sites have been saying for
years: that the threat of Hanscom expansion is very real, and that Massport's interest in maximizing airport growth is incompatible with the national interest in preserving one of America's most historic and scenic areas.

This designation will strengthen our ongoing campaign to bring national attention to this issue. Obviously, this is what has spurred Massport's rather sad attempt to demean Scenic America and its designation of the four towns.

In his letter of March 20, Massport's Jose Juves says, "By focusing on the Bedford airport, they [Scenic America] are passing up on opportunities to shine their spotlight on a legitimate 'threat.'" As to the legitimacy of the threat, perhaps Massport should heed the words of documentary filmmaker Ken

"Now that Scenic America, a respected national organization, has recognized the unique value of the four towns' natural and historical resources and the serious threat posed by airport expansion, Massport and the state government must finally come to understand that the preservation of these resources is not a local issue, but a matter of significant national concern, just as the proposed Disney theme park at the Manassas battlegrounds was. Considering Massport's aggressive plans for a commercial/corporate jetport at Hanscom, as revealed in its latest environmental report, this year is truly our last chance."

Scenic America has indeed shone the spotlight on the need for our four historic towns to prepare a 21st-century Declaration of Independence from Massport.

Anna Winter, executive director
Save Our Heritage

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