Boston Globe

July 19, 2003

Reebok VP picked for Massport Board

Governor Mitt Romney yesterday announced his first appointment to the seven-member Massachusetts Port Authority board, tapping Paul D.
Foster, a vice president at Reebok International. Foster, 63, of Boston, has previously served 14 years working for the city of Boston, including
six years as deputy transportation commissioner. Foster replaces Lucy Flynn for a seven-year term. Foster's firm gave Romney financial donations
before and after his election, including a $25,000 gift to Romney's inaugural gala. Foster and his colleagues at Reebok also provided
$3,750 to the campaign funds of Romney and Lieutenant Governor Kerry Healey. Foster personally gave a $500 contribution, the maximum
individual donation, to Romney's campaign in June 2002. Massport oversees Logan International Airport, the Port of Boston, and the Tobin
Bridge, among other facilities statewide.

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