Concord Journal
July 17, 2003

Letter: Passionate fight against FedEx

I thought my fellow Concordians should know the kind of passion that FedEx's splans for expansion into Hanscom arouse in places as far away from our jet noise and truck traffic as New Jersey. Here is the text of a letter that a colleague and business owner shared with me that he faxed to Fred Smith, CEO of FedEx, last week:

Dear Mr. Smith

The moment I learn from my friends in Massachusets that you have expanded your operations into Hanscom Field is the moment you and I are through.

As a business owner, I have been a user of FedEx's excellent services exclusively for over a decade. I don't do much business, but I do it all with you.

I understand that people in towns adjacent to the Field have been battling airport expansion for four years. How long does it take a good corporation to get the message? You do not mess with our natural and historic heritage. It belongs to them, to me and my family here in New Jersey, and to all of us. The bottom line is, you don't have the right.

You've got a business challenge, you solve it, but not at the expense of our heritage (past and future). My goodness, man, think what you're doing.

I urge all of you who will be directly impacted by FedEx's plans, night after night in our beds, and day by day on Battle Road, to send a similar message, and invite your friends and family around the country to do the same. We live here, and we are the stewards of these lands, but in our love for them, we are not alone!

Jay W. Vogt
Hubbard St.

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