Lexington Minuteman
Thursday, August 7, 2003

Letter: Need to worry about Hanscom

Recently, the newspaper has been full of letters and articles about Lexington's budget problems and the failed override. This is indeed a very important issue that should to be addressed. However, Lexington residents need also be concerned about current plans for Hanscom Field.

Massport's proposal for FedEx cargo services at Hanscom is a serious threat that will negatively impact our town and surrounding area for years to come. Commercial cargo is big business and will result in very large, noisy planes flying over the Minute Man National Historic Park, precious conservation lands and our neighborhoods. A great many 18-wheelers will be driving on the Battle Road. This type of operation does not belong at an airport bordering a national treasure the Minute Man National Historic Park and in the midst of suburban towns. It is particularly disturbing that Massport and FedEx would even consider cargo operations when this area has just been cited by the prestigious National Trust for Historic Preservation as threatened by Massport's plans.

Shame on Massport! Why would Gov. Romney allow this to even be considered? What is his motive?

Sandra Gardiner
Maple Street

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