Bedford Minuteman
October 31, 2002

Letter: Massport letters are empty words

It seems like every other week there is another letter from Massport in the paper complaining about how Massport's actions at Hanscom Field are "misinterpreted," "misunderstood" or "mischaracterized." Massport spokesmen attempt to soothe us by telling us that the recent alarming environmental disclosures represent only "what could happen, not what will happen." They try to position Massport as a benign and thoughtful organization, and label concerned citizens as alarmist and misinformed.

It is instructive to consider where these messages come from, and the history of the validity of Massport's assertions.

Massport letters to our papers are not from anyone who actually sets policy; they are from public relations staff whose entire mission is to keep the communities docile and submissive.

In 1997, Massport filed its previous environmental report. At that time, Massport public relations staff were writing the same kind of letters to the paper, claiming the concerned citizens were "alarmist" and that the plans were not actually going to occur. Of course, we now know that the actual expansion of the airport exceeded what was disclosed in the environmental filing. We also know that when the towns sued Massport over their broken promises, Massport used the environmental report against the towns in the lawsuit.

If Massport were honest about what is going to happen at Hanscom, they would put it in writing. In fact, they have put in writing multiple times that there would be no commercial air service at Hanscom. This promise was obviously broken. The have put in writing that there would be no cargo service at Hanscom. We now learn this promise is about to be broken.

If Massport were honest, they would show us their real long-term plans. But Massport and the governor's office have refused to release these planning documents, which have been requested under the public records laws, with the amazing assertion that it is in the public interest for those plans to remain secret!

Under the circumstances, we should take the constant letters to the editor from Massport for what they are: empty words intended to mislead the public and reduce resistance to Massport's plans to invade and transform these communities.

Neil Rasmussen, President
Save Our Heritage

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