Bedford Minuteman
October 31, 2002

Letters: Letters were inflammatory

On behalf of ShhAir, its board, and our 2,000 plus members, I must respond to recent inflammatory and misleading letters suggesting that ShhAir has no interest in the safety of pilots using Hanscom.

Keeping in mind that the FAA has stated all along that Hanscom's approach and departure paths are safe, our appeal of the Bedford Conservation Commission's Order of Condition for the Vegetation Management Plan proposed by Massport is based upon the following:

1. Despite calling it a "limited project," Massport's plan is not about mere tree trimming. It includes destruction of thousands of trees, altering the area's ecosystem, and decreasing the surrounding communities' natural noise buffer.

2. Bedford's Conservation Commission Order of Conditions asserts that Massport's plan fails to meet the state's criteria for "limited project."

3. ShhAir expected Massport to appeal Bedford's assertion, and indeed they did.

4. ShhAir filed an appeal so that the community would be on an equal footing in the appeal review process.

5. The ShhAir board has offered to withdraw our appeal if Massport withdraws its own appeal.

No one at ShhAir wants to endanger pilots' or passengers' lives. To suggest otherwise is insulting and distracts from the real threat to our communities from unchecked growth at Hanscom. Make no mistake -- Massport's tree-cutting and vegetation destruction goes far beyond anything ever done in the past, and is setting the stage for expansion of the airport's role and capacities.

Margaret Coppe, President

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