Concord Journal
Wednesday, August 27, 2003

Letter: Let's keep at it; stop FedEx

To the editor:

FedEx has cancelled their scheduled presentation at the Sept. 16 HFAC meeting. We like to think this is a sign that they are reconsidering their position on bringing cargo to Hanscom. Strong opposition to their plan has been demonstrated not only by these communities but by citizens across the country and around the world who want to protect this historic area.

However, FedEx has not said that they are changing their plans to bring cargo here, they're just not presenting to HFAC, so it's important to keep the pressure on until we can actually achieve a victory. Talk to your friends and neighbors, not only those in these communities but everywhere. Send electronic faxes from the ShhAir Web site ( click on Action Alerts. It takes only a moment to send faxes to the CEO of FedEx, Gov. Romney, and senators Kennedy and Kerry. Put a "No FedEx at Hanscom" sign on your lawn (available from ShhAir at 781-674-9755). Tabling and sign holding will resume after Labor Day.

We've done a fabulous job so far; let's keep at them.

Gigi Estabrook
Cottage Lane
Member, ShhAir Board of Directors

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