Lincoln Journal
August 4, 2005

Letter: You can help stop Crosspoint's plans

Massport has approved a major expansion of facilities for corporate
jets at Hanscom Field by accepting the proposal from Crosspoint Aviation
Services LLC. But if citizens act now, we might stop it.

The Crosspoint project would be built in the currently little used Pine
Hill section of the airport. A new access would be opened onto Virginia
Road. With its proposed 13,000 square feet of "passenger services" space,
this project would more than double the amount of terminal space for serving
passengers at the airport. It would increase by nearly 50 percent the
infrastructure for servicing the corporate jet operations, which have
tripled in the last decade. To give you an idea of the size of this
operation, it is estimated that up to five jet fuel tanker truck trips a day
would be required to provide the 11 million gallons of fuel that Crosspoint
estimates will be sold annually at the airport.

Residents of the towns surrounding Hanscom Field should be very
concerned! This is a huge expansion of the airport for jet aviation. Jet
operations have increased an average of 13.5 percent a year for the last 10
years. If this rate continues, in 10 years there would be a jet every three
minutes. Massport is doing its best to make that happen.

The citizens' group, ShhAir, is asking Governor Romney to stop this
project. We have also filed a petition with the MEPA unit of the Executive
Office of Environmental Affairs requesting that they require an
environmental review before Massport and Crosspoint are permitted to

Please make your voices heard by taking these actions now:

-- Call or write to Romney's office and ask him to honor his campaign
position of no expansion at Hanscom Field and to stop this project. Call
617-725-4005,or fax 617-727-9725, or go to the Web site,, and
click on the governor's name and then on "contact Governor Romney" to send
him an electronic message.

-- Call your selectmen and tell them you want them to oppose this
alarming development at Hanscom Field and to support ShhAir's petition for
environmental review and request to the governor to stop the project.

Jim Hutchinson
ShhAir Board Member
Stonehedge Road

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