Boston Globe NorthWest
November 6, 2003

Letter: Grateful for FedEx discussion

This is a letter of thanks to the valiant souls who hung around beyond 11 p.m. at the latest Town Meeting on Oct. 27 to support Article 12, which petitioned the town to discourage use of FedEx until the company ceases its pursuit of plans to operate out of Hanscom (''Bedford shoots down FedEx boycott, targets double poles,'' Globe NorthWest, Oct. 30). Though the article was defeated by a slim margin, we are glad to have had the opportunity to educate Bedford citizens as to the damage FedEx planes and trucks can do to our skies and neighborhoods if the company initiates service out of Massport's civilian airfield. We are certain that had the article been discussed earlier in the evening, before the eyes and ears of a larger audience, and supported by the selectmen, it would have passed.

The selectmen claimed that the Massachusetts inspector general's warning against the hazards of vendor debarment stayed their hand from endorsing the article. This is even after town counsel advised them that the inspector general's letter was an academic exercise. While we appreciate the desire of the selectmen to be cautious, we heartily wish they would have demonstrated more courage by joining Lexington and Lincoln in this largely symbolic act. Will the selectmen's refusal to take a stand be interpreted as a message of welcome or ambivalence toward FedEx and other cargo operators waiting in the wings? Boycotts are one tool. There are other tools at our disposal and we will use them. Massport must know that the citizens will never stand down in the face of dramatic changes at the airfield that will result in increased degradation of this area.

Town meetings are wonderful expressions of our democratic ideals, and though not perfect, we remain grateful they exist. For they are opportunities for citizens to educate and inspire one another, and in doing so, we can change the course of history in small and important ways.



This story ran on page 10 of the Boston Globe NorthWest on 11/6/2003. © Copyright 2003 Globe Newspaper Company.