Lincoln Journal
March 6, 2003

Letter: Bostonian hits airport watchdog

I read with interest the recent story in the Boston Herald entitled "Recognition May Aid Hanscom Resistance." The leaders and supporters of "Save Our Heritage" have the right initials - SOH - but what they really stand for is "Save Our Homes."

Hanscom Field has been in place for over 60 years now and is New England's most vital business and general aviation airport. Hanscom is and should be a key part of our regional airport strategy. Now more than ever, Massachusetts businesses need to be nimble to compete successfully in a global economy. According to industry reports, the total impact of civil aviation in 2000 exceeded $900 billion and 11 million jobs, representing nine percent (9 percent) of the U.S. gross domestic product.

The leaders of SOH tell us that the four towns of Concord, Lexington, Lincoln and Bedford are "endangered" by the nearby airport. Whom are they kidding? Like modern-day Paul Reveres, they shout for all to hear, "the airplanes are coming; the airplanes are coming." Let's examine the facts. Between 1990-2000, Massport's records show that the volume of flights at Hanscom actually declined by 8.7%. Between 2000-2002, flight volume at Hanscom increased, but by less than 3%.

Jump-starting the Massachusetts economy is Job #1 on Beacon Hill. Let's apply some common sense in balancing our economic and environmental policy, and support a plan for reasonable use of Hanscom Field as part of a farsighted air transportation strategy for our Commonwealth.

John I. Williams, Jr.
Jamaica Plain

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