Lexington Minuteman
August 14, 2003

Letter: Asking FedEx to reconsider

This past week both the Lexington Board of Selectmen and the Lexington School Committee voted to stop using FedEx until FedEx withdraws its proposal to initiate scheduled cargo operations at Hanscom Field. Intrusion of 28 [daily] 18-wheeler truck operations onto Route 2A, the Battle Road that runs through Minute Man National Historical Park, will severely impact the ambiance of the Park.

Over the past few years, initiatives have restored the Battle Road landscape to duplicate the pastoral setting of the 18th century. The historical significance of the National Park and its environs has just been acknowledged by designation of the Park and the hallowed land adjacent to it as one of the 11 most endangered landmarks in America by the National Trust for Historic Preservation. Lexington residents take great pride in their patriotic traditions and are incensed by the proposed initiation of cargo activities and the associated truck traffic in the midst of their historic byway. Community opposition is high.

An article in the Wall Street Journal on July 30 describes research relating ambient noise with poor learning. Noise from the Hanscom Field flght paths impacts four Lexington schools. Lexington educators and residents are concerned about any increase in scheduled operations at Hanscom Field.

Lexington is a community that welcomes responsible economic development. We encourage development that balances growth and respect for the community values of preservation and environmental concern. Intrusive truck traffic, invasive noise and intensive development of land operations are inconsistent with Lexington's long-range planning objectives.

On behalf of the residents of Lexington and our elected officials, I encourage FedEx to reconsider its intentions of expanding cargo operations at Hanscom Field.

Jeanne Krieger
Lexington Selectman to Hanscom Area Towns Committee (HATS)

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